Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Chipping in with a late late contest entry
Posted by : BobbyT
It is really hard to resist a good easy contest with irresistible prizes up for grabs! Don't you think so? is organizing its first entrecard credit contest and 3000 entrecard credits, $25, a blog review and permanent links are up for grabs too. There will only be 1 lucky winner though. To join this contest, you have to do 3 things which are to stumble the contest post, write a short post about the contest, subscribe to feed by email. Hurry, the contest is ending on the 20th of March! Best of luck to all contestants :)
I joined this. The prizes are really enticing. Good luck to all the participants!
After winning that first blogging contest, why not? Thanks for letting us know about it. I think that it is important for bloggers to acknowledge their competition, regardless of how hard it might be
Hi Bobby,
Glad to "meet" a fellow Malaysian who also share the same joy at the result of the recent extraordinary General Election, and at the trashing the arrogant, insensitive and deaf coalition which got a beating this time for not being a good listener. However, there is still much to be done, and those we helped vote into positions of power will face various obstacles and frequently unreasonable expectations from them as many still do not understand what the real and most important role of a Member of Parliament. Some still want "longkang MPs" (Members of Parliament who think their job is to take care of drains).
Thanks for leaving a comment in my post Why your comments and emails do not get responses promptly and for your kind words.
BTW I hope you have deleted the "nofollow" attribute for comments from your template, otherwise all the links I left in your blog will not do me much good. Doing that encourages people to comment and you are free leave RELEVANT comments in mine with active (clickable) links in my blogs. This is one way how some bloggers encourages comments in their blogs.
Peter Blog*Star
Blogger for Dummies
(proud to be the only Malaysian Blog*Star among a small handful)
"This is one way how some bloggers encourages comments in their blogs."
Plus I often leave active hyperlinks to my own posts when responding to readers comments (RELRVANT). This helps search engine visibility of my blogs' individual post pages.
Peter Blog*Star
Blogger Dough
(Blogging helped my put 2 sons through college on my pension and if not for blogging, I would have been in financial difficulties. We want to help you do the same)
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