Sunday, January 20, 2008


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My name is BobbyT, the owner of this blog. This is my first blog, it was started on the last day of January. I have learnt and experienced a lot of things since the launching of this blog until now.

I am sure that the blog URL and its name (BobbyT Blogging To a T) may sound strange to you. I assure you, I would have thought the same if I were not who I am. Perhaps it is time for me to explain them.

You see, when I started blogging, I was inexperienced and naive, besides being poor too. When I signed up with Blogger, I did not have a clear idea which direction my blog should go, what niches it should be in. I wanted to write just about anything, random topics which I found interesting. So, in the end I just named it BobbyT Blogging To a T, from the point of view of English language, it simply means "BobbyT Blogging Perfectly." I realize that this blog is far from perfect, neither am I doing an excellent job in blogging. In the end, I also ended up choosing an URL which is just as weird, guess I am just a weird person, LOL!

Why don't you change the blog name and URL?
It is absolutely possible for me to change the blog name and URL and quite easily too. The change of name would be trivial, however if I were to change the URL, my blog would lose out in SEO terms. When I first contemplated changing name and URL, my blog already has a few hundred of link backs to it, so I decided against doing something which would probably affect the volume of traffic coming in to my blog from search engines and other referring sites.

So what is the blog about now?
I seriously wish that there is an easy answer to this question. Here is my attempt:

I hope to blog about topics which are of interest to Internet users, namely, Web 2.0, Social Bookmarking and Networking, New Technology, Gadgets, Web Hosting, Software, Websites, Useful Applications, Blogging and other Bloggers.

What are my targets for this blog?
I set sail with this blog mainly to learn more about blogging and to prepare myself for my own dot coms in the future. I have had some success with this blog but to be honest, I wish for more with this blog. Here are my current objectives:-
  • To achieve good Google PageRank (currently 0)
  • To achieve 50 subscribers (highest was 25)
  • To achieve 3000 unique visitors in a month (highest was about 1200)
  • To earn $0.50 cent per day from various advertisements
If you like the content on this blog, please help me attain my targets. Bookmark this blog, subscribe via RSS Reader or email and visit this blog as often as possible. I thank you first for taking the time to read through this :)
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